O /\

Global Statements Dictionary

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Term: SLA

service level agreement.

Term: slash

(slash') n.

the character /, used to indicate division, as a line pointer control, and to separate lists of objects from lists of options.


Function. CALL routine. Ref: PSPPR:Functions; CALL Routines.

SAS word: SLO

Language prefix for format or informat. Slovenian. Ref: NLS:Formats for NLS. PSPL:Informats and Formats:Time Fields. PSPPR:Informats:Time Informats. PSPPR:Formats:Time Formats.

Term: slope

(slOp') n.

a measure of steepness computed as the ratio of the vertical change to the horizontal change.

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Global Statements Dictionary

!*=~ $ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _
