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Global Statements Dictionary

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Term: second

(sek' und) n.

1. the basic standard unit of time used by clocks. There are 86,400 seconds in a day. At a fast walking pace it takes a person approximately one second to take two steps. Abbr. s.

2. a unit of arc equal to 1/60 of a minute.


Function. Ref: PSPPR:Functions. PSPL:Functions and CALL Routines:Time Computation. SLRD:Functions and CALL Routines.

Term: seed

(sEd') n.

the starting value that a random number generator uses in generating a stream of random numbers. SAS routines use positive integer values as seed values.

Term: select

(su lekt') v.t.

1. to mark an object as active so that subsequent actions are applied to it. Antonym, deselect. selected (su lekt' id), adj. selection (su lek' shun), n.

2. to extract a subset of the data in a database or table.


Data step statement. Ref: PSPPR:Data step statements. PSPL:Control Flow:Logical Constructions. SLRD:Statements.

Term: selection list


a scrollable list of objects, allowing the user to select one or several of the objects listed.

Term: semantic

(su man' tik) adj.

having to do with the meanings of words.

Term: semantic error


an incorrect reference to an object that makes a statement incorrect even though its syntax is correct. Semantic errors can occur when a statement refers to an object that does not exist, uses the wrong number of arguments for a function, or uses the wrong number of subscripts for an array.

Term: semicolon

(sem' i ko^l' un, sem' I-) n.

the character ;, used to mark the end of statements.

SAS word: SEQ

System option. Ref: PSPPR:System Options. SLRD:SAS System Options.


System option. Sequential library engine. Ref: PSPPR:System Options. SLRD:SAS System Options.

Term: sequential

(su kwen' chul) adj.

1. in sequence; proceeding forward from beginning to end.

2. accessing the data of a file in the order in which it is stored.


System option. Messages for unresolved macro variable references. Ref: PSPPR:System Options. PSPL:Macro Language:System Options for Macro Language. SLRD:SAS System Options.

Term: server

(sur' vur) n.

1. a program whose purpose is to provide specialized capabilities to other programs running at the same time, often on other computers.

2. a computer on which a server program runs.

3. a computer system designed for use as a server.

Compare client.


SAS/SHARE. Procedure. Starts a SAS/SHARE server.

Term: service level agreement


a contract that sets forth, in specific, measurable terms, the scope of actions required for satisfactory performance by a service provider.

Also, service-level agreement. Abbr. SLA

When a company outsources IT services, an SLA replaces the familiar give-and-take between management and in-house IT staff. ["Shaking Hands is Not Enough," Infoworld, April 30, 2001, pp. 49-50.]

Term: session

(se' shun) n.

1. a continuous period of activity of a particular kind.

2. SAS session.

Term: session option

(se' shun op' shun) n.

a system option that can be changed during the course of a SAS session.

Term: set

(set') n.

several items (called elements) considered together as a mathematical object.

SAS word: SET

Data step statement. Ref: PSPPR:Data Step Statements. PSPL:SAS Dataset I/O:Input SAS Datasets in the Data Step. SLRD:Statements.

CALL routine. Ref: PSPPR:CALL Routines. PSPL:Low-Level I/O Programming:SAS Dataset I/O Functions. SLRD:Functions and CALL Routines.

System option. Defines a SAS environment variable. Ref: PSPPR:System Options.

Term: setinit

(set' i nit') n.

a SAS program that is run with the SETINIT system option to change SAS licensing information.

Also, setinit file.


System option. Ref: PSPPR:System Options. SLRD:SAS System Options.

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Global Statements Dictionary

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