(rEd') v.t.
1. to transfer data from a file, window, or other external source to a program.
2. to determine the meaning of; interpret.
Password option. Ref: PSPPR:Files:Dataset Options; Passwords. PSPL:Options for SAS Datasets:Passwords. SLRD:Data Set Options.
(rE' blok') v.t.
to form into blocks of a different size.
(rE bOOt') v.
to reinitialize a computer by running the boot program. This can be accomplished by turning the power off and back on, by an operating system command (often called Restart), or sometimes by pressing a button provided for that purpose on the computer.
cold reboot, a reboot accomplished by turning off the power and leaving it off for about a minute, long enough to drain electricity from RAM in order to completely clear any information from RAM. warm reboot, a reboot accomplished without turning off the power or clearing RAM.
(rE' kOd') v.t.
to substitute one code for another.
(rek' urd) v.t.
a sequence of characters or bytes in a file, treated as a unit in I/O processing. In a text file, a record may be a line or a paragraph. In a SAS data file, an observation is a record. In a catalog, an entry is a record.
1. the rule or standard by which a file is divided into records.
2. record layout.
(rek' urd lA' out) v.t.
a document that describes the location and content of the fields in a record.
Alias, R.
Data step statement. Ref: PSPPR:Data Step Statements. PSPL:Execution:Session. SLRD:Statements.
SAS/STAT. Procedure. Regression.
Procedure. Ref: PSPPR:Procedures. SPG.
a computer language that describes text search and replacement actions, or a text definition written in this language.
(ri lEs') v.t.
1. to make (a product) available for the first time.
2. one of the iterations of a product, especially a commercial software product, comprising a certain set of features and functionality.
3. a minor revision of SAS software, identified by a fractional number.
Procedure. Z/OS. Ref: PSPPR:Procedures. SPG.
SAS/QC. Procedure. Reliability and failure analysis.
(rE' murj') v.t.
in an SQL query expression, to combine summary statistics with the detail data from which they were computed.
(ri mOt') adj.
1. happening elsewhere; happening simultaneously on another computer.
2. belonging to a remote session.
3. connected indirectly.
a SAS session started on another computer by SAS/CONNECT software in order to use the computing power or data of the other computer. The remote session is operated under the control of the original SAS session, which is called the local session.
the use of SQL pass-through to pass SQL statements and queries to a database management system on a remote system.
Abbr. RSPT.
the computer that hosts a remote session.
Data step statement. Ref: PSPPR:Data Step Statements. PSPL:SAS Dataset I/O:Updating a SAS Dataset in the Data Step. SLRD:Statements.
Dataset option. Ref: PSPPR:Files:Dataset Options. PSPL:Options for SAS Datasets:Dataset Options. SLRD:Data Set Options.
Data step statement. Ref: PSPPR:Data Step Statements. PSPL:SAS Dataset I/O:Creating SAS Datasets in the Data Step. SLRD:Statements.
Function. Ref: PSPPR:Functions. PSPL:Functions and CALL Routines:Character Functions. SLRD:Functions and CALL Routines.
Dataset option. Ref: PSPPR:Files:Dataset Options. PSPL:Options for SAS Datasets:Indexes. SLRD:Data Set Options.
Dataset option. Ref: PSPPR:Files:Dataset Options. PSPL:Dataset Options. SLRD:Data Set Options.
System option. Ref: PSPPR:System Options. PSPL:Options for SAS Datasets:System Options for SAS Files. SLRD:SAS System Options.
Data step statement. Ref: PSPPR:Data Step Statements. PSPL:SAS Dataset I/O:Updating a SAS Dataset in the Data Step. SLRD:Statements.
(rE plAs' mint string') SCL. n.
a string that is substituted for an SCL variable reference in a SUBMIT block if the SCL variable has a nonblank value.
(rE po:rt') n.
output from a computer program for a person to read, usually indicating the results of an analysis or process.
Procedure. Produces table reports. Ref: PSPPR:Procedures. PSPL:Reporting:REPORT. SPG.
System option. Ref: PSPPR:System Options. SLRD:SAS System Options.
a simple dialog box that a program displays to request user input necessary to complete or continue a task.
(rE' set, rE set') v.t.
to set to the initial or default value or state.
Command. Cancels line commands. Ref: PSPPR:Display Manager.
(rE zurv') v.t.
1. to keep unused so that it can be used at a later time or for a different purpose.
2. to prevent the use of a word as a name in a programming language because the word may be used as a keyword or for the name of a object defined in the programming language.
reserved, adj.
an automatic action that assigns missing values to most variables of a step.
Abbr. RTM.
Function. Resolve macro expression. Ref: PSPPR:Functions. PSPL:Control Flow:Outside Connections. SLRD:Functions and CALL Routines.
(rE sto^r') v.t.
1. to return to a prior state or condition.
2. Microsoft Windows, OS/2. to return (a window) to its previous size and position after maximizing or minimizing it.
(rE tAn') Data step. v.t.
to prevent the value of (a data step variable) from being automatically reset to missing. This is the effect of the RETAIN statement.
Data step statement. Ref: PSPPR:Data Step Statements. PSPL:Control Flow:Shaping the Observation Loop. SLRD:Statements.
(rE turn') v.i.
1. (of a routine or program) to complete processing and allow the calling program to resume.
2. (of a function) to provide (a return value) to the calling program that indicates the result of processing.
Data step statement. Ref: PSPPR:Data Step Statements. PSPL:Control Flow:Logical Constructions; Shaping the Observation Loop. SLRD:Statements.
a numeric code that a function returns to indicate a quality of the success of the function’s processing.
a key on a computer or typewriter keyboard that marks the end of a line of text typed by the user. Often, the return key is identified with the enter key.
the value that a function computes and provides to the calling program to indicate the result of the function’s processing.
Dataset option. Ref: PSPPR:Files:Dataset Options. PSPL:Indexes. SLRD:Data Set Options.
System option. Ref: PSPPR:System Options. PSPL:Options for SAS Datasets:System Options for SAS Files. SLRD:SAS System Options.
(ri vurs') n.
1. the opposite direction.
2. in the opposite direction.
3. to orient or arrange in the opposite direction.
Function. Reverses characters. Ref: PSPPR:Functions. PSPL:Functions and CALL Routines:Character Functions. SLRD:Functions and CALL Routines.
a process of determining the design, function, or purpose of a computer program or other device by analyzing and observing it. Compare forward engineering.
Function. Ref: PSPPR:Functions. PSPL:Low-Level I/O Programming:SAS Dataset I/O Functions. SLRD:Functions and CALL Routines.
(reks') n.
a computer language developed by IBM as a command language for CMS, now used as a programming language in various environments.