(lOd') v.t.
1. to copy (a file, object, etc.) to a location where it can be used.
2. to make a disk or other storage volume available for use.
3. Mainframe. a. load module, an executable program; the executable version of a program generated by a linker. b. load library, a file that contains the load modules used by a program.
SAS/ETS. Procedure. Loans.
(lO' kul) adj.
1. in the same place; in the same session or on the same computer; connected directly rather than indirectly.
2. (of a macro variable) existing only inside the macro in which it is defined. Compare global.
3. belonging to a local session.
4. Structured programming. (of a variable) existing only inside a single program unit.
Macro statement. Declares local macro variables. Ref: PSPPR:Macro Language:Macro Statements. PSPL:Macro Language:Macro Expressions.
the SAS session that initiates a remote session; a SAS session directly under the control of a user or SAS program, as distinguished from one controlled by another SAS session.
Global statement. Command. Ref: PSPPR:Global Statements. PSPL:Execution:Session.
SAS/STAT. Procedure. Regression surfaces, nonparametric estimation.
(log') n.
a print file that the SAS supervisor writes with program lines and messages about the execution of the program. The fileref LOG identifies the log.
Function. Natural logarithm. Ref: PSPPR:Functions. PSPL:Functions and CALL Routines:Mathematical Functions. SLRD:Functions and CALL Routines.
System option. Ref: PSPPR:System Options. SLRD:SAS System Options.
Fileref. The log.
Display Manager window. The log. Ref: PSPPR:Display Manager.
Function. Base 2 logarithm. Ref: PSPPR:Functions. PSPL:Functions and CALL Routines:Mathematical Functions. SLRD:Functions and CALL Routines.
Function. Base 10 (common) logarithm. Ref: PSPPR:Functions. PSPL:Functions and CALL Routines:Mathematical Functions. SLRD:Functions and CALL Routines.
(log' u ri thm) n.
a mathematical measure of the magnitude of a positive number. A logarithm is defined with reference to a specific base, such that the base raised to the power of the logarithm of a number results in the number.
A natural logarithm uses a base of e. A common logarithm uses a base of 10.
Function. Natural logarithm of the beta function. PSPPR:Functions. SLRD:Functions and CALL Routines.
Function. PSPPR:Functions. SLRD:Functions and CALL Routines.
(lo' jik) n.
1. the systematic use of reasoning to arrive at true conclusions.
2. the components of a program that allow it to take different actions in different situations or for different conditions of data.
(lo' jik ul) adj.
1. applying logic or used in the application of logic.
2. according to the meaning of an object as it is used or applied.
3. containing a value that indicates true or false.
a shortcoming in the design of a program that causes the program, when it runs, to produce results different from the results that were intended.
SAS/STAT. Procedure. Logistic regression analysis.
CALL routine. Logistic values.
Function. Ref: PSPPR:Functions. PSPL:Functions and CALL Routines:Mathematical Functions. SLRD:Functions and CALL Routines.
Function. Ref: PSPPR:Functions. PSPL:Functions and CALL Routines:Mathematical Functions. SLRD:Functions and CALL Routines.
Function. Ref: PSPPR:Functions. PSPL:Functions and CALL Routines:Mathematical Functions. SLRD:Functions and CALL Routines.
(look' up) n.
(lOOp') n.
1. a control flow structure that executes a set of actions repeatedly.
2. to execute actions repeatedly in a loop.
Data step statement. Ref: PSPPR:Data Step Statements. PSPL:Control Flow:Shaping the Observation Loop. SLRD:Statements.
Function. Ref: PSPPR:Functions. PSPL:Functions and CALL Routines:Character Functions. SLRD:Functions and CALL Routines.
(lO' lev' l) adj.
written in a way that corresponds more closely to the computer instructions that carry out a program.
Compare high-level.