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Term: diagram

(dI' u gram) n.

an abstract visual representation that shows the connections between objects.


2. to depict in a diagram.

Term: dialog

(dI' u log) n.

1. dialog box.

2. a user interface object that uses a dynamic resembling a conversation between the program and the user.

Term: dialog box

(dI' u log boks') n.

a window that a program displays temporarily for interaction with the user.

Term: dictionary

(dik' shun a^r i) n.

1. an ordered list of words and their meanings.

2. a lookup table in which it is possible to look up a name and retrieve one or several descriptive or categorical attributes associated with it.


SQL. Libref. Ref: PSPL:SQL:Query Expressions. SPG:SQL.

SAS word: DIF

Function. Ref: PSPPR:Functions. PSPL:Functions and CALL Routines:Other Categories of Functions. SLRD:Functions and CALL Routines.


Function. The derivative of the gamma function. Ref: PSPPR:Functions. PSPL:Functions and CALL Routines:Mathematical Functions. SLRD:Functions and CALL Routines.

Term: digit

(di' jit) n.

one of the characters or symbols that indicate magnitude in a numeral, especially these characters, used to write decimal numerals:

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Term: digit string


a character string containing digits, usually used as a code.

SAS word: DIM

Function. Ref: PSPPR:Functions. PSPL:Loops and Arrays:Arrays. SLRD:Functions and CALL Routines.

Term: dimension

(di men' shun) n.

1. a position for a subscript in the definition of an array.

2. an independent direction within an object, such as the horizontal and vertical dimensions of a page.

3. any separate aspect of variability in an object, space, mathematical model, etc.


Function. Ref: PSPPR:Functions. PSPL:Low-Level I/O Programming:Directory I/O Functions. SLRD:Functions and CALL Routines.

SAS word: DIR

Display Manager window. Library members.

Term: direct access


1. access of a stored object by the object’s address.


2. allowing access by address.

Term: directory

(di rek' tu ri) n.

a collection of computer files stored together, or the list of these files.

Term: directory ID


an integer value that identifies a directory. The DOPEN function opens a directory and returns a directory ID.


SAS/STAT. Procedure. Discriminant criteria.

Term: disk

(disk') n.

a storage device, flat and circular in shape, that contains data arranged in the shape of circles or a helix on one or both surfaces.

Also, disc.

SAS word: DISK


Term: dispersion

(di spur' zhun) Statistics. n.

the tendency of values in a population to be different from each other.


Data step statement. Ref: PSPPR:Data Step Statements. PSPL:Text File I/O:Data Step Windows. SLRD:Statements.

Macro statement. Ref: PSPPR:Macro Language:Macro Statements. PSPL:Macro Language:User Parameters.

Procedure. Ref: SPG.

Term: Display Manager


a part of the interactive environment of base SAS developed mainly in the late 1980s with features that allow a user to edit and execute SAS programs and manage SAS files, characterized by a full-screen user interface style with commands, line commands, selection codes, and pull-down menus.

Also, display manager, SAS Display Manager System.

Term: display variable

REPORT procedure. n.

an input variable whose values from every observation are displayed in the report.


SAS/STAT. Procedure. Scores differences between observations.

Term: distributed computing


an application design approach that divides processing among many computers that are loosely coordinated, especially as a way to solve a computationally intensive problem.

Term: distribution function


the function that defines a probability distribution. For each value of a distribution, the value of the distribution function is the probability that a random variable from the distribution will be less than or equal to that value. The value of the function increases from 0 to 1.

Also, cumulative distribution function.

Term: distro

(dis' trO) n.


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